Restricted self, fat self, now self.
What do you have to say to me?
Fat self: I'm afraid of change. I'm afraid of having the things I like ripped out of my hands. I'm afraid that there will never be enough. I'm sick of good things leaving. I don't like surprises, conflict or upset. I cling to what was and it clings to my body.
Restricted self: I'm sick of not being good enough. I'm sick of people being able to hurt me and finding a way to do that. I'm sick of never finding the way of being impervious to their bullets. I demand to be bullet proof. I demand to be good enough for once. No one will ever find a reason to reject me or hurt me again.
Dear fat self: No changes have ever come into our lives that weren't ultimately for the better. We can believe now that God is in the center of our being and that all things that come to us are for our highest good. Change only hurts when we fight it. And look, last year when we had that crash... big change. But there were angels and midwives all along the way. Nothing can hurt the real essence of us.
Dear restricted self: We have no power over what other people think. The more we try to take that power the further away it gets. This is something you should have heard a long time ago, like when you were being bullied by girl scouts on the bus. People are going to say and think whatever is in THEM to say and think. It has very little to do with the real you or even reality. You can listen to them and let them push you around, or you can make the choice to know Who You Really Are and live from there and not listen to them. Because the more you listen to them the more you will create a world in which you are wrong and must conform and pinch yourself. Other people will take our lead on how to treat us & who we are. If you don't listen to them. Well, you're free.
Freedom is a choice, ladies. Sanity is a choice. Health is a choice. Beauty is a choice.
I think we need to choose again. We have wasted too much time living for dying and make no mistake about it this is a time and a place where we will not survive if we permit those sorts of attitudes. We will be eliminated from the Earth equation. We have wasted too much time not living in the health, the power, the creativity, the beauty, the amazingness of the the truth of Who We Really Are. The time and energy wasted running from that truth, being afraid of that truth and staying stuck in the habits that kill us are too much of a drain. I, for one, am done!
I would like to make a decision to live in our real Self, our real power. To step into our true, goddess given role. I would like to make the decision to LIVE. Once and for ALL.
But, I cannot do this without the cooperation of both of you. We have to be in this together. I cannot leave you behind because you are the truth of me, too. I love you, I need you with me as I move ahead to be my warning harpies of when things could be dangerous or out of balance. Are you with me?
Here we go.
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