Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life is a 4-letter word with a big 'if' in the middle.

Plastics packaging dumps endocrine inhibiting chemicals into our children. Fragrances fatten with pthalates. Soap phospates in Chicago that deaden the Gulf of Mexico. Less fresh water draining into our oceans. Bears swim too much, their bulk drowning in pursuit of a meal. Coal from China rains acid over the midwest.

For what? So we can continue the inertia of our consumptive lives - pushing the present moment to a cushioned distance? Our cushion fluffs itself to the great discomfort of our future.

Why was I born into this world? I wish I could just absent myself from this craziness, I swear. Put on my sneakers and just run right off the edge of the whole thing to some better, cleaner, less fucked up place. Why am I here? Why do we do these things?

But yet, here I am. Not to judge it, not to pity it at all, but to love and revere the life even as the life is a mess. This life as it has been handed to us is a four letter word with a big 'if' in the middle.

Slowly, maybe first heeding the call of fad and fashion, minds pull themselves from the sludge of craving. Like first seeds maybe they will turn to the light and grow in a new way. It's a start. Every day must start at midnight. Even Earth day.

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